End of Life Giving
Making provision in your Will to donate to Essentially Men is a way of honouring the service and work of our community of men. You can be certain that your final act of generosity will help make a real difference in changing the culture of men in New Zealand.
Big or small, your gift will be greatly appreciated. It will help us continue to develop a new cultural legacy for men in New Zealand and to grow a sustainable funding base to continue our ground-breaking work.
How to make an end of life gift
Making an end of life gift is very straightforward; you don’t need to make a whole new will.
An end of life gift is an easy way to support us. You can even decide how you want the gift to be used. Many gifts continue to provide valuable support to our services, long after the gift has been received. When you make an end of life gift to Essentially Men, you are supporting a new cultural legacy for men in New Zealand and helping us to grow a sustainable funding base to continue our ground-breaking work.
If you already have a Will
If you would like to include an end of lift gift to Essentially Men in your existing Will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a codicil is a supplement to a Will that is intended to alter or modify it). To make sure your codicil is legal, we recommend it is checked and approved by a legal advisor.
If you don’t have a Will
A Will is an important legal document so it should be prepared by a legal professional. It’s important to discuss options and specific wording with your legal advisor to make sure your Will reflects your wishes clearly, giving specific guidance on how you want your assets and personal belongings distributed when you die.
Wording for an end of life gift
To make sure the wording in your Will accurately describes your intentions, we suggest including the following clause:
I give (a specified share of the residue/or the sum of/or a specified bequest) to Essentially Men Education Trust for its general purposes (or a specific purpose) and I declare that the receipt of the appointed officer of the Trust shall be full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.
I further declare that if at the date of my death or the date of distribution of my estate, any charity named in my Will does not exist or has amalgamated with another charity or has changed its name, such legacy or residuary gift shall not fail but my trustees shall pay it to the charitable organisation which they consider most nearly fulfills the objects I intended to benefit.
NOTE – Legal requirements: This Codicil must be signed in the presence of 2 adult witnesses (who are not beneficiaries of the Will). Both must witness the Testator and each other sign, and give their name, address and occupation.
Download recommended wording here
With or without strings attached
You may choose to leave your gift freely, i.e. ‘no strings attached’ so that Essentially Men can apply the funds in the areas where they are most needed, or you can specify where you would like the funds to be spent.
You can let us know about the end of life gift
There’s no requirement to tell us that you’re leaving a gift to us. However, we would like to make sure that your generous giving is suitably thanked and acknowledged in your lifetime.
Strictest confidence guaranteed
Any gift inquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence by Essentially Men. We will respect your wishes if you choose to remain anonymous.