
Mark Bradman is a member of the Essentially Men Education Trust Network and previously worked for the Trust as the Programme and Marketing Coordinator. He has written several articles for EM that you can access by clicking each link below:
"Carrying the Weight - a metaphor"

Frank Hayes is a Psychologist who has been working with men, children, and families for over 25 years. Frank’s full time private practice, Frank Hayes Psychology, is based at Medplus Family Medical Centre, Hauraki Corner, Takapuna.

Steven Dromgool founded RELATE Counselling with a vision to see couples connect in powerful, loving relationships. His approach is to empower couples with tools to communicate effectively so that they can feel safe, loved and desired. Steven holds a Masters degree in Counselling and is a certified Imago Relationship Therapist.

A Big Thank You to Matthew Mold for helping us better understand depression by courageously sharing with us his own experience of it.
"Finding a way through Depression"

Verity Thom is an Auckland psychologist who is a relationship and sex therapist at CoupleWork a private practice with her husband and fellow psychologist, Nic Beets. Verity also works as a consultant on all aspects of business relationships including brand, customer and organisation.
"How Essentially Men has helped my family and clients."

Dr Luke Sniewski is a Well Being Coach and Somatic Therapist.

Noa Gross is a Psychodrama & Art Therapist practitioner since 1999, working in My Feelings Counselling, a private clinic now in Melbourne, Australia.

Anne Bailey is an international facilitator, educator and author. She is also the founder and director of Co-operacy.

Brett George is a consultant psychologist, counsellor, trainer & supervisor, in full time private practice & consultancy for over 20 years.
Radio Interviews
Reading List
The following is a suggested reading list for men based on the recommendations of Rex McCann and the Essentially Men team.
Recommended Reading List