Men's Groups Nationwide
Men’s Groups
Hamilton Men’s Circle
We are a group of men from the Waikato region from all walks of life who are part of the Essentially Men network who meet on a regular basis to provide support for each other and our community. We are inclusive – any man is welcome – fostering local men’s work through regular meetings and gatherings. We are a closed group but open to men who have completed a Men Being Real weekend. Contact : Hamilton Men
Wellington Men’s Groups
Journey Men
Our purpose is to create safe trusting spaces for small groups of good men to gather at regular intervals. In these spaces, men can share their life stories, be heard and be seen by other good men and provide support to each other on their journeying through life.
Evening Heart Circle groups are run twice each month held in Johnsonville and Kelson, Lower Hutt.
Weekend Mens Retreats for small groups of men (8-10) are held every three months at a beachside venue on the Kapiti Coast.
For any information contact:
Peter Crosland: Ph 027 281 6272
Email: croslandp4@gmail.com
Deane Henderson: Ph 021 659 481
Email: 68cbrider@gmail.com
Men's Group in Wellington
Our Men’s Group formed out of former attendees of Essentially Men and has been running for 20 years. We are open to men who are working on their personal development and are interested in joining like-minded men. We help men share what is important to them.
We meet 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, 7.30pm – 9.30pm.
Contact: Gordon (022 698 4020) or
Tamash (021 071 335) broughbros@gmail.com
North of Auckland Men’s Groups
There are several Whangarei Men’s groups. Most groups meet fortnightly in the evenings for a couple of hours. One group has been continuously running since the early 2000's. There is a mix of closed and open groups and the open groups welcome enquiries from any man interested.
"To be seen, to be heard and to be supported without judgement."
These groups aim to provide a forum for men to discover a deeper reality, to share and to support each other. The emphasis is on personal development, growth and learning. Contact : Richard Aplin
Dunedin Men’s Group
Meets from 7.30pm - 9.30pm on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Meetings are held in the Quaker Hall, 15 Park Street, Dunedin. If interested please message through the Dunedin Men's Group Facebook page
Men's Groups
The following links provide information that could be helpful for your men's group: