Payroll Giving
Payroll giving enables you donate to Essentially Men directly from your pay and receive instant tax benefits that reduce your payable PAYE. It’s an easy and effortless way to give regularly, and you will automatically get your tax rebates refunded to you.
How payroll giving works
With payroll giving, your donation to Essentially Men is taken out of your regular pay before it goes into your bank account. If your donation is more than $5, you receive a third of the donation amount as an immediate tax rebate. So if you donate $15 to Essentially Men through payroll giving, you’ll only have a $10 reduction in your take-home pay.
With other forms of donating, you usually have to wait until the end of the tax year to claim your tax rebate. Payroll giving ensures you get the tax advantages immediately.
Why give to Essentially Men?
The work we do in New Zealand and have done so for the past 21 year is unique and men completing our programmes are becoming powerful agents for personal and cultural change. An extensive external evaluation completed in 2011 (interviewing participants
over a period of 9 years) revealed that men completing our programme:
demonstrate greater emotional intelligence
show more awareness of their own strengths and vulnerabilities
are reported to be communicating more effectively in relationships
are participating more actively as parents
are taking more responsibility for their actions and
are showing a greater ability to notice and reach out to other men in crisis in their
communities and workplaces
Most importantly they are providing positive role models for their own and other young men in the community. The greatest long-term benefit for many men was reported when they had ongoing involvement in the network activities, and as part of the self-
organising men’s groups (formed after each workshop). Our feedback is sourced not just from men themselves, but from their partners, facilitators, service team volunteers, social service agencies and those professionals who refer men to us.
With your help we can continue to offer affordable programmes to men.
Employer and Employee Payroll Giving Information
Employer information about payroll giving:
To offer your staff the chance to donate through payroll giving, you need to sign up for the scheme with the IRD. Find more information on the IRD Employer Information page.
Employee information about payroll giving:
Are you interested in giving regularly to Essentially Men through your pay? Anything over $5 earns a tax rebate.
How to make it happen in your workplace:
If your workplace isn’t signed up for payroll giving yet, you can get the ball rolling by referring your employer to the IRD employers’ page.
Sign up to donate from your pay:
If your employer is already registered for payroll giving, we have a brochure for you that includes a sign-up form and full information.
Download the brochure and form now
More information from the IRD:
Payroll giving is an Inland Revenue initiative that was introduced in 2010. You can find out more about it on the IRD website. Download an information booklet.