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About the Workshop

Come and join a hearth of good men for a weekend of rich companionship and inspiring dialogue fired by the embrace of Winter and the warmth of our hearts.

Come along for a weekend at a beautiful retreat centre nestled amongst bush and fields where we gather in a hall around a fireplace to warm our spirits and bones. We develop our capacity to meet as groups of men, deepening connections, sharing our hearts, and learning from each other. When the sun comes out we can also enjoy outdoor activities on the surrounding grounds. Heartbeat is like a fireside chat during winter in the hearth of good men.

Leaves fall, birds migrate, ice arrives, fire burns, men gather. We push up our cold heads and look around for nourishment and connection. Time for a loving Thump in the Heart!

The men of Get Off The Concrete realised years ago that a year was a long time to wait between gatherings, and established the tradition of a mid-winter indoor gathering as a “beat of the GOTC heart” to stay connected. It’s a men’s gathering that takes place over one long weekend in August on the outskirts of Auckland.

Winter, traditionally being the season of hibernation, naturally leads us to spend more time ‘inside’. This is often mirrored in our emotional world, a time when we become more introspective and can feel cut-off from the rest of the world, perhaps even isolated.

Here’s a poem a man wrote spontaneously during one of our recent ‘gatherings’ that perhaps expresses one of the purposes of this event:

“I cannot live without You,
At least not in the way that I would want to live.
And it’s not because I am lacking in any way
In who I am alone.
It’s because we are all lacking in some way
That which we can only receive from one another.”

Men from previous Heartbeat gatherings shared:

“Sunlight streaming through the circular window. A king in his throne being honoured. A father and son in a shared heart space. Men asking for what they needed. Music by the fire.”

“Take your EM experience to the next level of self-knowledge and freedom. Come and have fun!”

“It's an opportunity to take time out from the constant business of life and to share a heart space with an amazing group of men. It's a place where men being real are made to feel welcome and where we can connect with others and feel more grounded and accepting of ourselves.”

“Heartbeat is an opportunity to be supported and support men in the beauty of their truth. The residential aspect and continued absorption allows a deeper experience of a shared connection from the heart. It was practice of being in the heart where the thinking mind had the space to drop away. A deep experience of beauty, truth and exploration of our true heart felt selves.”

“This is an opportunity to affirm both to and about yourself that as part of the brotherhood of men your worth is valued, your presence vital, and here is a real place for proving that.”

All men who are part of the EM network or who have experienced personal growth in men’s groups are welcome at this event.


Bella Rakha Retreat Centre & Creative Venue, 581 West Coast Road, Oratia, Auckland


Thursday afternoon - Sunday afternoon


$400.00 Full Price
$350.00 If paid in full by June 30, 2025
$100.00 Deposit payable on registration to secure your spot

If money is a problem please contact us.


July 31 - August 3, 2025

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